Home > Wheels

Aqua blue Wheels (3)

Clear wheels (3)

Dark blue wheels (3)

Dark violet wheels (3)

First Light ( Light Yellow) (3)

Full Breath (Gold) (3)

Green wheels (3)

Light violet wheels (3)

Rays of the Sun (Rose) (3)

Red Rings (3)

Single wheels (30)

Sets of Wheels (1)

There are 27 wheels of Ascension, 9 different colours and 3 different wheels per colour. One with clockwise rays (PROGRESSION – to deliver growth in the positive direction ),one with anti-clockwise rays ( TRANSFORMATION- to support change ) and one with anti-clockwise rays on both the top and the bottom side of the wheel (REGENERATION – to repair and refill our energy )

These 27 wheels correspond with the 27 spiritual, universal chakra’s, creating our own universe, including earth and our human life.